Family Engagement
Parents and caregivers are children's first teachers and most know them best over the course of their lifetimes. We believe it is important to reflect on your beliefs about family engagement practices in the OST community and to discuss best practices for developing meaningful, collaborative relationships with caregivers to support our youth. We leverage digital storytelling as a professional development tool. We encourage teams to conduct “deep dives,” into digital stories about culturally proficient family partnering strategies in Cambridge OST.
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Introductory Level Training
Stories of Family Engagement Training videos
Keeping it Real in Family Partnership is a recorded storytelling training series that hopes to inspire conversations about how Cambridge out-of-school time practitioners and families from diverse cultural backgrounds partner to best support our children. These stories highlight promising practices and explore the experiences of families and OST practitioners. Each story is paired with a set of guiding questions to help you go deeper in reflecting on how families and OST practitioners can create more meaningful partnerships.
To support you in using these digital videos with your staff, we added an addendum to our UPDATED Facilitator's Guide. To receive credit for this training, after watching the video series, you will be required to complete a reflection assignment and submit a request.