OST Symposium 2021: Reimagining OST and Innovating into the Future
Tuesday and Wednesday, March 25 & 26th, 9:30am Topic: OST SYMPOSIUM: Reimagining OST and Innovating into the Future Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87442584219?pwd=Z1hNaGRxRjlJSTJyZUw1K09NdWF1UT09 Meeting ID: 874 4258 4219 Passcode: 179975 One tap mobile +13017158592,,87442584219#,,,,*179975# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,87442584219#,,,,*179975# US (Chicago)
General Media Release: Please click here to complete the General Media Release Please click on the link below and complete our General Media Release form so that we can capture and share the event with you and the broader out-of-school time community of Cambridge.